The Christian needs daily ammunition from God’s Word to combat evil and triumph in the struggle with sin. Realizing this, the Cornerstone Baptist Church decided to provide believers with bite sized portions of God’s Word on a daily basis to equip them to swim against the currents of worldly pressures. As a result, the Bible Bytes ministry began from October 2017. Short sermons that span 2 or 3 minutes are recorded and relayed to hundreds of listeners through WhatsApp contacts and groups every morning. An initiative that was launched to encourage Church members to start their day with a reflection from God’s Word has now grown to reach believers across borders and boundaries. Making use of the advanced communication technology available to people today, the Bible Bytes ministry serves as a call to believers to cling to the Word of God and be the salt and light in a dying world.
Sermons by Pastor Joshua Edwin
At the Cornerstone Baptist Church we believe in learning Scripture in its context and understanding the God-intended meaning of the text. For this purpose, expository sermons based on the truth are preached by Pas. Joshua Edwin during worship services on Sunday mornings and in weekly Bible Studies. Books of the Bible are thoroughly studied, without ignoring any portion of the text. Life applications are drawn after each study to make the message relevant for today and to empower believers to learn the truth and obey it. The Epistles of John and the Prophecy of Isaiah were studied from 2013 to 2017. At present we are studying the Gospel of Luke. Click here to listen to audio recordings of sermons.
Milk and Meat is the weekly newsletter of the Cornerstone Baptist Church, launched a short while after Pas. Joshua Edwin began to conduct English services at the Tamil Baptist Church, Kellys. The name ‘Milk and Meat’ suggests that each issue is intended to feed believers in the Church and outside with the milk and meat of God’s word besides disseminating information on Church activities and events. The newsletter was initially a monthly issue but from 2013, Milk and Meat became a weekly issue to give regular updates on sermons which would help nurture a believer’s walk with God.
Date | Topic | Ref | |
2025-02-09 | The Great Divide | John 3 V 16-21 | Open |
2025-02-02 | A Fountain for Sin & Uncleanliness | Leviticus 16:15-19 / Hebrews 9:21-28 | Open |
2025-01-26 | .... | Phillipines 1:12-18 | Open |
2025-01-19 | .... | Job 1 V 1-12 | Open |
2025-01-12 | Encouragement and Warning | Deuteronomy 8 | Open |
2025-01-05 | Charting your course in 2025 | Proverbs 4 V 20-27 | Open |
Date | Topic | Ref | |
2024-12-29 | Jesus Our Immanuel | Mathew 1 V 18-25 | Open |
2024-12-22 | Worship of the Magicians | Mathew 2 V 1-12 | Open |
2024-12-15 | God of Wonders | Micah 5 V 1-5 | Open |
2024-12-08 | Love God | John 3 V 16 | Open |
2024-12-01 | Two Musts - Part 2 | John 3 V 1-15 | Open |
2024-11-24 | Two Musts - Part 1 | John 3 V 1-15 | Open |
2024-11-17 | Honouring Parents | Exodus 20 V 12 & 2 Samuel 1 | Open |
2024-11-10 | Little folks - Cherish your parents | Little folks | Open |
2024-11-10 | He knows | John 2 V 23-25 | Open |
2024-11-03 | Reformation Sunday | Selected scriptures | Open |
2024-10-27 | Sparrows, Swallows & Singers | Psalm 84 | Open |
2024-10-20 | David's Church | Psalm 27 | Open |
2024-10-13 | Operation Mop up | John 2 V 13-22 | Open |
2024-10-06 | Wedding Water and Wine | John 2 V 1-11 | Open |
2024-09-29 | Information and Invitations | John 1 V 35-51 | Open |
2024-09-22 | A Voice from the Desert | John 1 V 19-34 | Open |
2024-09-15 | Witness of Grace and Truth | John 1 V 14-18 | Open |
2024-09-08 | Pitched His Tent | John 1 V 14 | Open |
2024-09-01 | Journey of redemption | Ruth1 V 1-18 | Open |
2024-08-25 | One of Us | John 1 V 14 | Open |
2024-08-18 | Born from Above | John 1 V 6-13 | Open |
2024-08-11 | In the beginning | John 1 V 1-5 | Open |
2024-08-04 | Introduction to John | Selected scriptures | Open |
2024-07-28 | A Worthy Cause and a Worthy Life | Phillipines 1 V 27-30 | Open |
2024-07-21 | What is man? | Psam 8 | Open |
2024-07-14 | Isolation to Wholeness | Luke 5 V 12-16 | Open |
2024-07-07 | As for me and my House | Joshua 24 | Open |
2024-06-30 | Unbeliver's Baptism | Selected scriptures | Open |
2024-06-23 | A Common Biography | 2 Chronicles 5 V 17 | Open |
2024-06-17 | Synergy for good | Romans 8 V 28-30 | Open |
2024-06-09 | Man's Sovereignty | James 4 V 4-13-17 | Open |
2024-06-02 | A Sermon and a Song Part -2 | Psalm 34 V 11-22 | Open |
2024-05-26 | A Song and a Sermon Part-1 | Psalm 34 | Open |
2024-05-19 | David's Strength | 2 Samuel 30 V 1-19 | Open |
2024-05-12 | Children who live well and long | Selected Scriptures | Open |
2024-05-05 | Kill Anger before anger kills you | Selected Scriptures | Open |
2024-04-28 | A Plea for Forgiveness | Philemon | Open |
2024-04-21 | Extravagant Love | Matthew 26:6-13 | Open |
2024-04-14 | Barnabas-Son of Encouragement | Selected Scriptures | Open |
2024-04-07 | He has Risen | Matthew 28:1-10 | Open |
2024-03-31 | The Gospel Part-4 | Selected Scriptures | Open |
2024-03-24 | The Gospel Part-3 | Selected Scriptures | Open |
2024-03-17 | The Gospel Part-2 | Selected Scriptures | Open |
2024-03-10 | The Gospel Part-1 | Selected Scriptures | Open |
2024-03-03 | Why are you sleeping O Lord | Psalm 44 | Open |
2024-02-25 | The Destination | Exodus 40 | Open |
2024-12-02 | The construction of the Tabernacle | Exodus 36:8 - 39:43 | Open |
2024-02-11 | Preparation for theconstruction of the Tabernacle | Exodus 35:1 - 36:7 | Open |
2024-04-02 | Grace and Gratitude | Exodus 34 V 10-35 | Open |
2024-01-28 | Revelation and Response | Exodus 34 V 1-9 | Open |
2024-01-21 | Persistent Prayer | Exodus 33 V 12-23 | Open |
2024-01-14 | The Old 100th | Psalm 100 | Open |
2024-01-07 | Looking Back & Celebrating | 2 Timothy 2:3-7 | Open |
Date | Topic | Ref | |
2023-12-31 | Gospel in a Nutshell | Romans 1:16-32, 1 Timothy 1:15 | Open |
2023-12-24 | Justification, Sanctification & Incarnation | Romans 8:1-4 | Open |
2023-12-17 | Piece or Division | Luke 12:49-53 | Open |
2023-12-11 | Yahweh Saves | Matthew 1:18-25 | Open |
2023-12-03 | I Did it My way | Exodus 33 V 1-11 | Open |
2023-11-26 | Sweet Hour of Prayer | 2 Chronicles 7:11-36 | Open |
2023-11-19 | Telephone to Jesus | Little Folks | Open |
2023-11-19 | Rejoice in the Lord always | Philippians 4:10-13 | Open |
2023-11-12 | Operation Clean-up | Exodus 32 V 15-35 | Open |
2023-11-05 | Reformation Sunday | Luke 18 V 9-14 | Open |
2023-10-29 | Mosus - the Intercessor | Exodus 32 V 7-14 | Open |
2023-10-22 | The Golden Café | Exodus 32 V 1-6 | Open |
2023-10-15 | Sabbath | Exodus 31 V 12-18 | Open |
2023-10-08 | Oholiab & Bezalel | Exodus 31 V 1-11 | Open |
2023-10-01 | The Tabernacle-Conclusion | Exodus 30 | Open |
2023-09-24 | The Ordination | Exodus 29 | Open |
2023-09-17 | Pristly Attaire | Exodus 28 | Open |
2023-09-10 | Table Manners | 1 Corinthians 11:23-24 | Open |
2023-09-03 | The Tabernacle-2 | Exodus 26 | Open |
2023-08-29 | The Tabernacle-1 | Exodus 26 | Open |
2023-08-20 | Dwelling with Deity | Exodus 25 | Open |
2023-08-13 | Dining with Deity | Exodus 24: 9-18 | Open |
2023-08-06 | This Way or That | Psalm 1 | Open |
2023-07-30 | This blood is for you | Exodus 24: 3-8 | Open |
2023-07-23 | Come near | Exodus 24: 1-3 | Open |
2023-07-16 | Civil Laws of Ancient Isreal -Conclusion | Exodus 20: 20-33 | Open |
2023-07-09 | Civil Laws of Ancient Isreal -6 | Exodus 23: 13-19 | Open |
2023-07-02 | Civil Laws of Ancient Isreal -5 | Exodus 23: 1-12 | Open |
2023-06-25 | Civil Laws of Ancient Isreal -4 | Exodus 22: 25-31 | Open |
2023-06-18 | Civil Laws of Ancient Isreal -3 | Exodus 22: 16-24 | Open |
2023-06-11 | Civil Laws of Ancient Isreal -2 | Exodus 21: 33-36, 22:1-15 | Open |
2023-06-04 | Civil Laws of Ancient Isreal | Exodus 21: 12-32 | Open |
2023-05-28 | Is the Lord your shepherd | Psalm 23 | Open |
2023-05-21 | Slaves by Choice | Exodus 21: 1-11 | Open |
2023-05-14 | Altars that cannot be Altered | Exodus 20: 18-26 | Open |
2023-04-30 | The Nineth Commandment | Exodus 20: 16 | Open |
2023-04-23 | The Eighth Commendment | Exodus 20:15 & Romans 13:9 | Open |
2023-04-16 | Resurrection Sunday | 1 Corinthian 15 | Open |
2023-04-09 | The Seventh Commendment | Exodus 20: 14 | Open |
2023-04-02 | The Sixth Commendment | Exodus 20: 13 | Open |
2023-03-26 | The Fifth Commendment | Exodus 20: 12 | Open |
2023-03-19 | The Fouth Commendment | Exodus 20: 9-11 | Open |
2023-03-12 | A Servent who leads | ..... | Open |
2023-03-05 | The Third Commendment | Exodus 20: 7 | Open |
2023-02-26 | The Second Commendment | Exodus 20: 4-6 | Open |
2023-02-19 | The First Commendment | Exodus 20: 3 | Open |
2023-01-12 | Introduction To The Ten Commandments | Exodus 20:1-2 | Open |
2023-02-05 | You Cannot Be My Disciple | Luke 14:25-35 | Open |
2023-01-29 | Concluding Instructions | James 5:12-20 | Open |
2023-01-22 | Thy Way, Not Mine, O Lord! | James 4:13-5:11 | Open |
2023-01-15 | Hallelujah! He’s coming again! | 1 Thess. 4: 13-5:11 | Open |
2023-01-08 | Satisfaction and Joy | Psalm 65 | Open |
Date | Topic | Ref | |
2022-12-25 | Consecration | Exodus 19 | Open |
2022-12-18 | The Counsel of a Father-in-law | Exodus 18:13-27 | Open |
2022-12-11 | The Call for Repentance! | James 4:4-12 | Open |
2022-12-04 | We’ve A Story To Tell | Exodus 18:1-12 | Open |
2022-11-27 | The Lord is My Banner | Exodus 17:8-16 | Open |
2022-11-13 | Little Folks - God's Love | ... | Open |
2022-11-06 | Reformation Sunday | ... | Open |
2022-10-30 | Manna and Meat | Exodus 16 | Open |
2022-10-23 | True Wisdom on Display | James 3:13-4:3 | Open |
2022-10-16 | The King’s Speech: Secrets of Blessedness | Matthew 5:1-12 | Open |
2022-10-09 | Watch What You Say! | James 3:1-12 | Open |
2022-10-02 | Bitter Hearts but Sweet Waters | Exodus 15:22-27 | Open |
2022-09-25 | From Slavery to Singing | Exodus 15:1-21 | Open |
2022-09-18 | Faith That Works | James 2:14-26 | Open |
2022-09-11 | A Wall of Water | Exodus 14:15-31 | Open |
2022-09-04 | Stand Back and Watch | Exodus 14:1-14 | Open |
2022-08-28 | A Frowning Providence | Exodus 13:17-22 | Open |
2022-08-21 | The Royal Law | James 2:1-13 | Open |
2022-08-14 | My Soul, My Life, My All | Exo.13:1-16 | Open |
2022-08-07 | This is The Day – Youth Sunday | Psalm 118 | Open |
2022-07-31 | Free At Last – Part 2 | Exodus 12:37-51 | Open |
2022-07-24 | Hearers and Doers | James 1:19-27 | Open |
2022-07-17 | Free at Last – Part 1 | Exodus 12:29-51 | Open |
2022-07-10 | Final Instructions on Passover | Exodus 12:21-28 | Open |
2022-07-03 | The Feast of Unleavened Bread | Exodus 12:14-20 | Open |
2022-06-26 | The Lord’s Passover | Exodus 12:1-13 | Open |
2022-06-12 | Locusts and Darkness | Exodus 10 | Open |
2022-06-05 | Blame It On God? | James 1:13-18 | Open |
2022-05-29 | Hail Egypt! | Exodus 9:13-35 | Open |
2022-05-22 | Fly In & Fly Out | Exodus 8:20-9:12 | Open |
2022-05-15 | Frogs and Gnats | Exodus 8:1-19 | Open |
2022-05-08 | Water Turned into Blood | Exodus 7:14-25 | Open |
2022-05-01 | Prelude to the Plagues | Exodus 7:1-13 | Open |
2022-04-24 | Loving Saviour, Living Hope & Lasting People | 1 Peter 1:3-5 | Open |
2022-04-17 | Intermission in Exodus | Exodus 6:14-30 | Open |
2022-04-10 | I Am and I Will | Exodus 6:1-13 | Open |
2022-04-03 | From Bad to Worse | Exodus 5 | Open |
2022-03-26 | Hardened Hearts | Exodus 4:21 | Open |
2022-03-20 | Return of the Fugitive | Exodus 4:18-31 | Open |
2022-03-13 | Not Me Lord | Exodus 4:1-17 | Open |
2022-03-06 | Bible School at Midian – 3 | Exodus 3: 13-22 | Open |
2022-02-27 | Bible School at Midian - 2 | Exodus 3:1-10 | Open |
2022-02-20 | Bible School at Midian | Exodus 2:23-3:10 | Open |
2022-02-13 | Invited or Interested | Exodus 2:11-22 | Open |
2022-06-02 | Miracles in the Mundane | Exodus 2:1-10 | Open |
2022-01-30 | Man Proposes God disposes | Exodus 1:8-22 | Open |
2022-01-23 | Let My People Come | Exodus 1:1-7 | Open |
2022-01-16 | Introduction To Exodus | ..... | Open |
2022-01-09 | Staying on Track in 2022 | Luke 13:6-9 | Open |
2022-01-02 | Enduring Through Trials | James 1:1-12 | Open |
Date | Topic | Ref | |
2021-12-26 | The Chastening Hand of a Loving Father | Hebrews 12:3-6 | Open |
2021-12-19 | Isaiah and The Messiah – Part 2 | Isaiah 40:9-11 | Open |
2021-12-12 | Isaiah and The Messiah – Part 1 | Isaiah 40:9-11 | Open |
2021-12-05 | Manasseh – 2 | 2 Chronicles 33:10-20 | Open |
2021-11-28 | Manasseh - 1 | ... | Open |
2021-11-21 | Josiah – The Boy King | .. | Open |
2021-11-14 | Baptism – Denominational or Scriptural? | ..... | Open |
2021-11-07 | Reformation Day: The Greatest Recovery | 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 | Open |
2021-10-31 | Youth Sunday | Youth Sunday | Open |
2021-10-24 | Hot or Cold | Revelation 3:14-22 | Open |
2021-10-17 | I Jesus Take You Philadelphia | Revelation 3:7-13 | Open |
2021-10-10 | Dead or Alive? | Revelation 3:1-6 | Open |
2021-10-03 | Tolerant Thyatira | Revelation 2:18-29 | Open |
2021-09-26 | Mindless Forbearance | Revelation 2:12-17 | Open |
2021-09-19 | Till Death Do Us Part | Revelation 2:8-11 | Open |
2021-09-12 | Intimacy to Indifference | Revelation 2:1-7 | Open |
2021-05-09 | The Crucible - Youth Sunday | Daniel 3 | Open |
2021-08-29 | Benediction | Psalm 134 | Open |
2021-08-22 | United We Bless | Psalm 133 | Open |
2021-08-15 | Focus | Psalm 132 | Open |
2021-08-08 | Be Still My Soul | Psalm 131 | Open |
2021-08-01 | Hope In The Depths | Psalm 130 | Open |
2021-07-25 | Nec Tamen Consumebateur | Psalm129 | Open |
2021-07-18 | Fruit and Shoots | Psalm 128 | Open |
2021-07-11 | Slipping Through My Fingers | Psalm 127 | Open |
2021-07-04 | Worth the Weeping | Psalm 126 | Open |
2021-06-27 | The Great Wall | Psalm 125 | Open |
2021-06-20 | A Close Call | Psalm 124 | Open |
2021-06-13 | Look Up | Psalm 123 | Open |
2021-06-06 | Turn Around | Luke 17:11-19 | Open |
2021-05-31 | Marks of a Worshipper | Psalm 122 | Open |
2021-05-23 | Thy Father’s On The Deck | Psalm 121 | Open |
2021-05-16 | Crises, Cries and Christ | Psam 120 | Open |
2021-05-09 | Shall not want | Psam 23 | Open |
2021-05-02 | Instructions and Benediction | Luke 24:44-53 | Open |
2021-04-25 | The Power and Patience of God | Luke 24:36-43 | Open |
2021-04-18 | Journeying With Jesus | Luke 24:13-35 | Open |
2021-04-11 | Dull Yet Devoted | Luke 24:1-12 | Open |
2021-03-28 | Father Forgive Them | Luke 23:32-38 | Open |
2021-03-21 | Silent Simon and the Weeping Women | Luke 23:26-31 | Open |
2021-03-07 | Don’t say ‘Yes’ When You Want to Say ‘No’ | Luke 23:13 - 25 | Open |
2021-03-07 | The Silent Saviour | Luke 23:1-12 | Open |
2021-02-28 | Justification through Injustice | Luke 22:63-71 | Open |
2021-02-21 | Fallen and Broken | Luke 22:54-62 | Open |
2021-01-14 | Kiss of Death | Luke 22:47-53 | Open |
2021-02-07 | Threefold Test of our Faith | 1 Thess. 1:2-10 | Open |
2021-01-31 | Sacred Sorrow | Luke 22:24-31 | Open |
2021-01-24 | The Final Assault | Luke 22:24-38 | Open |
2021-01-17 | Last Passover, First Communion | Luke 22:7-23 | Open |
2021-01-03 | Finishing Well | 2 Timothy 3:3-7 | Open |
Date | Topic | Ref | |
2020-04-04 | From Perishing to Paradise | Luke 23:32/39-43 | Open |
2020-01-10 | Growing in Grace | Psalm 106 | Open |
2020-12-27 | Everlasting Father | Isaiah 9:1-7 | Open |
2020-12-20 | Mighty God | Isaiah 9:6 | Open |
2020-12-13 | Wonderful Counsellor | Isaiah 9:6 | Open |
2020-12-06 | Youth Sunday | 1 Timothy 4:7, 8 | Open |
2020-11-29 | Close Enough To Betray | Luke 22:1-6 | Open |
2020-11-15 | Foretelling (Part 2) | Luke 21:20-38 | Open |
2020-11-08 | Reformation Sunday | ... | Open |
2020-11-01 | Foretelling Part 1 | Luke 21:5-19 | Open |
2020-10-25 | Disproportionate Giving | Luke 21:1-4 | Open |
2020-10-18 | Son or Sovereign? | Luke 20:41-47 | Open |
2020-10-11 | Will death do us part? | Luke 20:27-40 | Open |
2020-10-04 | Dual Citizenship | Luke 20:19-26 | Open |
2020-09-20 | Challenging the Creator | Luke 20:1-18 | Open |
2020-09-20 | The Sobbing Savior | Luke 19:41-48 | Open |
2020-09-13 | Coronation | Luke 19:28-40 | Open |
2020-09-06 | A Sinful Woman Forgiven | Luke 7:36-50 | Open |
2020-08-30 | Reward or Retribution? | Luke 19:11-27 | Open |
2020-08-23 | An Encounter on the Tree Top | Luke 19:1-10 | Open |
2020-08-16 | When the Saviour Stopped | Luke 18:35-43 | Open |
2020-08-09 | Predictions | Luke 18:31-34 | Open |
2020-08-02 | He came, He Heard, He Lost – Part 2 | Luke 18:18-30 | Open |
2020-07-26 | He Came, He Heard, He Lost... | Luke 18:18-30 | Open |
2020-07-19 | Let the Children Come | Luke 18:15-17 | Open |
2020-07-12 | A Quick Transaction | Luke 18:9-14 | Open |
2020-07-05 | Persistent Prayer | Luke 18:1-8 | Open |
2020-02-06 | Left Behind? | Luke 17:22-37 | Open |
2020-02-06 | The kingdom of God | Luke 17:20-21 | Open |
2020-06-14 | The Cost of Righteousness | Mark 6:12-30 | Open |
2020-06-07 | Wellness Vs. Wholeness | Luke 17:11-19 | Open |
2020-05-31 | Duties of a Disciple | Luke 17:1-10 | Open |
2020-05-24 | Poor Man and Lazarus | Luke 16:19-31 | Open |
2020-05-17 | Investment for a Lifetime and Beyond | Luke 16:1-18 | Open |
2020-05-10 | The Tale of Two Sons | Luke 15:11-32 | Open |
2020-05-03 | Lost and Found | Luke 15:1-10 | Open |
2020-04-26 | Lessons on Discipleship | Luke 14:25-35 | Open |
2020-04-19 | Resurrection Day | John 20:1-10/19-21 | Open |
2020-09-04 | Storms and Stops | Philippians 4:4 | Open |
2020-04-05 | When the foundations are destroyed what can the righteous do? | Psalm 11 | Open |
2020-03-29 | Fret not...Faint not... Fear not | Psalm 121 | Open |
2020-03-22 | Response to COVID-19 | Psalm 91 | Open |
2020-03-15 | Resting in God’s Redemption | Psalm 40:1-3 | Open |
2020-03-08 | The Banquet | Luke 14:15-24 | Open |
2020-03-01 | Loveless Pharisees, Ambitious Guests, Selfish Sinners | Luke 14:1-14 | Open |
2020-02-23 | Pulpit Update | Luke 13:31-35 | Open |
2020-02-16 | The Narrow Door | Luke 13:22-30 | Open |
2020-02-09 | Parable of the Mustard Seed and Leaven | Luke 13:18-21 | Open |
2020-02-02 | Jesus Heals a Woman on the Sabbath | Luke 13:10-17 | Open |
2020-01-26 | THE PARABLE OF THE FIG TREE | Luke 13:6-9 | Open |
2020-01-19 | Jesus’ Teachings on Tragedies | Luke 13:1-5 | Open |
2020-01-05 | Thanksgiving Service 29th December 2019 | Ps. 103 | Open |
Date | Topic | Ref | |
2019-12-29 | Ready, Responsible, Rewarded | Luke 12:35-48 | Open |
2019-12-15 | Do Not Worry | Luke 12:22-34 | Open |
2019-12-15 | Treasure in Heaven | Luke 12:13-21 | Open |
2019-12-08 | Instructions for the Disciples | Luke 12:1-12 | Open |
2019-12-08 | Woes | Luke 11:37-54 | Open |
2019-11-24 | Forgiveness and Love | Matthew 18:21-35 | Open |
2019-11-17 | Kids Special issue - Little Folks | Love & Forgiveness | Open |
2019-11-17 | The Evil Generation and the Sign of Jonah | Luke 11:29-36 | Open |
2019-11-10 | Jesus and Beelzebul | Luke 11:14-28 | Open |
2019-11-03 | Reformation Day 2019 | Romans 1:16-17 | Open |
2019-10-20 | Persistent Prayer | Luke 11:5-13 | Open |
2019-10-13 | The Lord’s Prayer Doxology | Matthew 6:13 | Open |
2019-10-06 | Youth Sunday | Exodus 20:12 | Open |
2019-09-29 | Lead us not into temptation | Luke 11:4/Matt. 6:13 | Open |
2019-09-22 | Forgiveness | Luke 11:3-4/Ma. 6:12-15 | Open |
2019-09-15 | Give us each day our daily bread | Luke 11:3 | Open |
2019-09-08 | Your Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven | Matthew 6:10 | Open |
2019-09-01 | Your Kingdom Come | Luke 11:2 | Open |
2019-08-25 | Hallowed be Your Name | Luke 11: 2 | Open |
2019-08-18 | Our Father | Luke 11:1-2 | Open |
2019-08-11 | First Things First – Mary and Martha | Luke 10: 38-42 | Open |
2019-08-04 | The Good Samaritan | Luke 10: 25-37 | Open |
2019-07-28 | Pulpit Update | Luke 10:10-24 | Open |
2019-07-21 | Ministry Instructions | Luke 10:1-9 | Open |
2019-07-14 | Three Prospective Followers | Luke 9:57-62 | Open |
2019-07-07 | Youth Sunday | Psalm 27 | Open |
2019-06-30 | Lessons from John 21 | ... | Open |
2019-06-23 | Deficiencies in the Disciples | Luke 9: 46 - 56 | Open |
2019-06-16 | Jesus heals a demon possessed boy | Luke 9: 37- 45 | Open |
2019-06-09 | The Transfiguration | Luke 9: 28-36 | Open |
2019-06-02 | Sermon By Bro. Jackson | Ramans 1:16-17 | Open |
2019-05-26 | THE WORD OF GOD –The Centre of a Believer’s life | Ps. 119:97-104 | Open |
2019-05-19 | Cost of Discipleship | Luke 9:18-27 | Open |
2019-05-12 | ... | ... | Open |
2019-05-05 | The Feeding of the Five Thousand | Luke 9:10-17 | Open |
2019-04-28 | Resurrection Sunday | I Peter 1:3-5 | Open |
2019-04-21 | ... | Luke 9: 1-9 | Open |
2019-04-14 | Miracle within a Miracle (Part 2) | Luke 8:40-42/49-56 | Open |
2019-04-07 | Youth Sunday | Psalm 51 | Open |
2019-03-31 | Miracle within a Miracle (Part 1) | Luke 8:40-48 | Open |
2019-03-24 | Jesus Heals a Demoniac | Luke 8: 26-39 | Open |
2019-03-17 | .... | Luke 8: 22-25 | Open |
2019-03-10 | .. | Luke 8: 16-21 | Open |
2019-03-03 | The Parable of the Soil | Luke 8:4-15 | Open |
2019-02-24 | Responsibility of Members towards their Pastor | -- | Open |
2019-02-17 | Problems of the Church and Power for the Church | 1 Cor. 12:12-31 | Open |
2019-02-10 | How to Listen to a Sermon | Luke 8:18 | Open |
2019-02-03 | The Church and Christ | Eph. 5:23-32 | Open |
2019-01-27 | Message by Pas.John MacDonald | ... | Open |
2019-01-20 | Duties of Church Members towards each other | -- | Open |
2019-01-13 | The Responsibilities of a Church Member | -- | Open |
2019-01-06 | Friend of God | James 4:1-10 | Open |